Project table#
The project table is a widget that shows all the assets or shots sorted by categories ( ex : characters or seq_0001 ). You can use it to assign task, modify stages states and overview progress by stage.
First open the production manger, click on the button or click on Wizard menu > Windows > Production manager.
The click on the Table tab.
![Alternative text](../_images/table_tab.jpg)
Stages selection#
You can select an entire asset or shot by clicking on the number on the left of the table. Select all the same stages by clicking on the stage column on the top of the table.
Select with ctrl or maj to add item to the current selection.
![Alternative text](../_images/table_selection.gif)
Edit the asset or shot preview#
To edit the asset preview image, right click on the preview image and select Add custom preview. Then choose an image.
![Alternative text](../_images/edit_asset_preview.gif)
You can also reset the preview to automatic by clicking on Set preview to auto, it will show the last version screen shotted by wizard.
![Alternative text](../_images/set_preview_auto.gif)
By default the preview is setted to automatic
Edit the state of a stage#
Select the stages you want to edit and right click on a state in the selection. It will update the state of all the selected stages.
![Alternative text](../_images/edit_state.gif)
Edit the assignment of a stage#
Select the stages you want to edit and right click on a user profile in the selection. It will update the assignment of all the selected stages.
![Alternative text](../_images/edit_assignment.gif)
View a task comment#
You can view a task comment by hovering the concerned stage’s state zone.
![Alternative text](../_images/table_state_comment.gif)