
Prepare your Fx export

Export from the softwares#

Wizard will export the wizard_fx_output node.

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Create this node and click on Wizard > Export data.

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A window will appear, use it to choose the frame range of your shot. Check Export with prerolls and postrolls to apply the rolls to the frame range.


By default, the frame range is the shot frame range.

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By default, if you name your export node wizard_fx_output, wizard will create an export named main. You can also create custom exports by adding _*whatyouwant* after the export node name, it will use this name without the first underscore as an export name. For example, wizard_fx_output_test will create an export named test.

Export with batch mode#

Go to the Export with batch mode section.

Wizard will raise a window, use it to select the rigs you want to export and the frame range of your shot. Check Export with prerolls and postrolls to apply the rolls to the frame range. Check Refresh assets in scene to update the references in scene before the export.


By default, the frame range is the shot frame range.

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The click on Batch


This will launch a wizard subtask, go to the Subtasks section to know more about wizard subtasks.